Tuesday 1 May 2018

Camps 5 (Wood Wood) and 6 (Koondrook)

On our way from Gasden’s Bend to Lake Mulwala we did two “one nighters” near Wood Wood and Koondrook.  Our preferences for a one night stop are (if possible):
  • to be far enough away from the main highway so we get away from the traffic noise (especially road trains)
  • to have a view and plenty of firewood
  • to be far enough outside of town so the local hoons don’t think it’s a challenge to do burn outs under our awning.

Both the one nighters met these and were pleasant stop-overs.

Nice spot at Wood Wood
Wood Wood is a small town next to the Nyah State Forest in which we originally planned to stay - but after a drive thru the narrow and rutted tracks with trees scraping our car and van and only finding camps under those deadly River Red Gums we decided to stay closer to town.  Video of our camp is HERE

Another Murray River Sunrise
The Wood Wood Shop/Caravan Park/Bottle Shop/Laundromat/Café sells pretty good hamburgers and hot and spicy chicken so we sampled these for lunch on arrival 😊

Pretty spot at Koondrook
The Koondrook Canoe Trail Campsite is situated on anabranch of the Murray River and as the name implies is a pretty little backwater very popular with canoeists. Like the previous night this was not our planned spot as we were going to stay at the Gunbower Island Reserve but this too proved to have limited spots and most under those widow makers of River Red Gums. On our way out I did notice an Information Bay which probably we should have checked out on the way in! The campsites at Koondrook are mostly waterside, picturesque and well set up. Unfortunately there were millions of bindi’s  and our poor hound was not a happy camper. These burs were probably brought in by campers of the past - so if possible try and not transfer these to the next camping spot your heading for.

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