Tuesday 8 May 2018

Camp 9 - Jingellic

Jingellic Reserve

When I was sitting in my lounge in Collie mentally planning our trip along the Murray River, Jingellic Reserve looked to be the perfect last camp – as far up towards the headwaters as you could camp with a dog in tow (Kosciusko National Park from there up), grassy bank on the river, reports of Murray Cod, and 100m from the pub.
Unfortunately after launching my tinny it became obvious that the fast flowing stream that was the Murray this far upstream wasn’t going to be suitable to our style of fishing as the electric motor had no chance of holding the boats position against the current and most of the river was very shallow. So after one quick foray up the creek the tinny went back on the roof. BUGGER!

View from under our awning
But our stay at Jingellic was still really enjoyable with the crystal clear young Murray River gurgling past, a good meal at the pub and Molly was in dog heaven – two big dogs to play with and the old fella camping down the front supplying a constant supply of chicken wings and dog bones.

Talking about Molly’s friends – one was a border collie that thought my drone was the best thing it had ever seen to play and catch. While I was trying to land my drone and trying to stop the dog leaping a meter up to catch it – yep crashed my drone again – fortunately “eagle eyes” Linda found the bit that broke off and with a bit of glue its seems to be its usual buzzing self.

A sad man and his book
This last photo is taken as we crossed the Murray River for the last time this trip – I had brought a book called “Camping and Caravaning the Murray” which now will be sadly retired to the bookshelf.
We have thoroughly enjoyed our month camping on the Murray – it’s a journey well worth doing if you want to soak up some of the quintessence of Australia’s longest river.

A short video can be found at THIS LINK

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