Friday 4 May 2018

Camp 8 - Tallangatta

Shades of autum

I don’t normally do blogs when we stay in Caravan Parks as they are usually short stays only to take a deep breath, get the big items of washing done, fill up with water and head off to our next bush camp.  After a week at Kyffin’s Reserve at Lake Malwala we decided to stay at Lakeside Caravan Park in the small town of Tallangatta for two nights to catch up on the stuff I’ve listed above. The town of Tallangatta Info HERE is famous for being the “Town that Moved” in 1956 when the original town was to be flooded by the new Hume Dam.

As this is the low season for the Caravan Park we were allocated a dam side spot. Wow what a view – although the Hume Dam is only at 30% it’s still an impressive sight for our site.

View from our van
Have been playing with a new program to stitch panoramas together from multiple overlapping photos (my drone has a panorama mode where it automatically takes a series of photos in a 180 degree arc). The program is called Microsoft ICE (no - not a site for Bill Gates to sell drugs), its very easy to use and best of all free to download. The photo to the left of this text was done using my normal DSLR on a tripod and taking five overlapping photos.

Mitta Mitta River Valley
While we were at the Park the forecast for the day we had planned to leave was for 30ml of rain and gale force winds – not a good day for setting up at a free camp so we ended up staying 3 nights.  On the last day we went for a drive to Mitta Mitta – a small town further up in the ranges – a good preview of the beautiful countryside we expect to see on our way up and across the snowy mountains National Park in a week or so.

It’s a well-used cliché but the folk in small towns are definitely more friendly and happy to help out – we really enjoyed our stay in Tallangatta.

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