Wednesday 1 November 2023

Cradle Mountain

 After leaving Ulverstone we decided to go the long way around to our next B&B at Waratah via Cradle Mountain. It was a good decision as it was a rare day where the mountain was not obscured by cloud and rain.

When we arrived, we pulled into the Visitors Centre to pay our fees ($38 for a Concession 12month National Parks Pass) and were advised to drive the 6 km down to the Rangers Station to catch the shuttle bus to Dove Lake. As luck would have it there was a shuttle bus ready to leave as we arrived – so we bolted across and jumped on. Unfortunately, this was the returning bus to the Visitors Centre! Old people do weird things? Anyway, after visiting the Visitors Centre twice and getting our bearings we finally got the right bus to Dove Lake.

I could rabbit on about the beauty of the Lake, the Mountains, the magnificent scenery, the unique vegetation, the wombats, the serenity, the waterfall, lunch at Peppers etc (yep, I’m rabbiting on again) but I will let the photos in the attached video tell the story.

Definitely ticked one more off the bucket list.

Short video is HERE


Anonymous said...

Looks beautiful 😍

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is Corinna 🤣

Anonymous said...

golly gosh you two.....just love stanley and the nut. Back in the eighties Neil and I were actually going to buy that beautiful caravan park.
great to see you and having such a family time.
always Kisses
Neil and his Misses

John B said...

Yep, just something about the place that makes you smile. Seems like a lifetime ago that Bren Danielle Richard and I walked around Dove Lake.