Tuesday 7 November 2023

Swansea - St. Helens


After leaving Swansea we headed north to St. Helens via Bicheno. Bicheno is a pretty little town with a nice beach walk (including a small blow-hole) and the mandatory “best bakery” in town. Both didn’t disappoint.

As we headed north along the west coast, we did notice how dry and brown the landscape is compared to the rest of Tassie – I am told this is because all the rain is dumped on the west coast and high central plateau and the east is in a rain shadow. The other unique feature of the east coast is the beautiful long white sandy beaches.

As we had some time to kill before checking in at our apartment in St. Helens we headed out to the Bay of Fires to do some sightseeing. I thought it ws called the Bay of Fires due to the bright orange algae covering the rocks, but the bay was given its name in 1773 by Captain Tobias Furneaux in Adventure who saw the fires of Aboriginal people on the beaches.

After we got back to St. Helens we checked into our apartment – I mention this because I have a story to tell. We were in Room 2 on the first floor and as soon as we we got out of the lift we knew the name of the lassie in Room 1 – it was Lisa - Mona Lisa. You could hear her moaning loudly from twenty meters away. This was accompanied by the sound of the bedhead banging against our common wall? Not sure what they were up to - Tai Chi maybe?? Anyway, it all very exciting – almost had to buy a pie and a newspaper. Must have been fun because they were at it again an hour later.

A very short video is HERE


Anonymous said...

Pie n newspaper is standard 🤣
Lovely beaches ⛱️

Anonymous said...

Mate - at Bichino. There was a great boat builder ( now passed) his yard was opposite boat wharf. He built beautiful craft from Huon/ celery top / myrtle pine - magnificent boats, I sailed in consort with him and other Huon pine wooden Boats around Tas from Launceston to bi-Annual Wooden Boat show in Hobart, - then on south to VERY REMOTE port Davies - then around West to Stanley and on to Davenport on the north Coast - have done quite a few trips to Tas -camper trailer- Huon pine Yachts- Mavis and I flew our own
A/c there to mates wedding mid 79’s Etc etc - fabulous place
Enjoy your time there - great posts
Catch Ya

Anonymous said...

Sorry didn’t sign of cobber
Brian Mavis Ingram 👍

Anonymous said...

Strange mating habits at St. Helens Kerry..I grew up there.