Sunday 15 August 2021

Wind, woe's and metatarsalgia

Molly stressing out!

 Cleaverville Beach camping area is about 35klm north of Karratha and is a nice spot to spend a couple of weeks. BUT – it hasn’t been all “beer and skittles” as we had strong 30-40Km winds for days on end which covered everything in dust and sand. The fish also went off the bite when it was windy - so a double whammy. Fortunately, the wind dropped most days around 4PM so we didn’t get sand in our beer during happy hour!

Nice bream!

There were days when the wind didn’t blow too hard, the tides were right, and we caught a bunch of whiting and flathead. Spent one afternoon with Linda down in the estuary amongst the mangroves and caught a dozen whiting – unfortunately Linda got mauled by the sandflies resulting in 3-4 days of agonising itching.

Not quiet waterfront but nice

Just when I thought I had experienced most ailments a 67yr old fella has to put up with - along came - metatarsalgia (met-uh-tahr-SAL-juh). This is a condition where the ball of your foot becomes inflamed/swollen and thus making it painful to walk. Apparently excess weight can be a contributing factor?? Doubt that could be the cause of my sore foot but I have noticed that a lot of my clothes seem to be shrinking after being washed in the Pilbara water?

Talking about washing – I have become a frequent “waterer” at the Roebourne free water tap (26km away) as Linda (when she gets bored), starts up the washing machine and washes everything. Luckily, I purchased two 90ltr water bladders for this trip and thus can collect enough to keep the washing lady happy and still have a shower every day.

What has been an upside at Cleaverville is that we are parked in “Collie Corner” with three other caravaners - all of whom we know quite well – so the social interaction and happy hours have been great.  We are off to Point Sampson on Monday for a week of glamping but will catch up with some of the gang for a week or two back at Gnoorea Point.

Short video is HERE

1 comment:

SHANE said...

Live the dream Kerry & Linda.
We've had some sad news, Donna's dad passed away and mum-in-law (Pam) is going to stay with us now (from Gladstone SA).

I'm no good at fishing but would be very good at the afternoon drinks