Monday 9 April 2018

Pildappa Rock

Our camp at the rock
We have camped at Pildappa Rock many times and have always enjoyed our stay. Each time we have camped I have tried to capture the essence of the place with my trusty DSLR. Getting up before sunrise, moon rise and times in between to capture that “that’s what Pildappa is like” photo has been a challenge.  Hopefully the aerial shots taken with the new toy LINK HERE give the readers of my blog a better perspective of the rock.

our favorite camp spot - no more 😢
Apart from photos this visit we did notice a couple of changes:

You are no longer allowed to camp up against the north “wave” of the rock – this was a great spot for up to 10 vans to camp out of the wind. I can only guess that someone blackened the rock  with fire, graffitied the rock or most likely that the opportunity to photograph the spectacular north wave was limited as there was always a van parked in the way.

The lichen on the rock makes an unusual photo
Noting how we were visiting this time a month or two earlier that ususal -  the absence of water in the gamma holes on top of the rock and plague proportions of flies (necessitating fly vails) and march flies (yep covered in aeroguard) were most noticeable.

1 comment:

John B said...

The flies probably explain why almost no one else is there. Nice aerial of the rock, gives a great perspective.