Tuesday 3 April 2018

Across the Nullarbor

My two favorite girls
After the mandatory top up of water tanks at Norseman Visitors Center we headed east across the Nullarbor. First fuel stop Balladonia ($184/ltr) and then to our first camp at Woorlba Homestead Rest Stop. Not a bad spot for a one nighter – unfortunately the land owner had fenced off the camp area so there was no access to all those quiet spots at the back off the road.

We met a Canadian couple camped in tents next to us who were travelling from Perth to Brisbane. Nothing extraordinary about that until you spot their two push bikes! Yep – everything they own by pedal power to Brisbane!

Fueled up again at Caiguna Roadhouse ($1.88/ltr) – that had a sign up next to bowser saying “Stealing Fuel is an Offence” but think they may have been the robbing bastards.

Second night was spent at Moodini Bluff just down the pass from the elevated section of the Nullarbor Plain. Plenty of room here – so we camped 500 meters away from the hustle and bustle of the main campsite – a nice quiet night.

Molly and friends
One thing we noticed travelling so early in the season was that wherever we stopped there were March flies in plague proportions – seemed to be more attracted to Kerry (must be the blue blood?) So far Molly is getting used to the gypsy life although the 1080 and strychnine warning signs have restricted her to a leash at every stop.

Night three was spent at Bunda Cliffs Lookout on the Great Australian Bight –only room for half a dozen vans but we got in early for a good spot (facing away from the wind). The magnificent cobalt blue ocean and cliffs did not disappoint. Sent my new drone (with fingers crossed J) out over the ocean without seeing it fall into the never never. Did break my drone – tried to launch off a post in the wind – but was easily repaired.

Don Quixote was here?
Night four was spent at Penong Caravan Park – as it was my 64th Birthday we had a meal at the pub and after dinner drinks with friends who were heading by caravan back to Perth after a trip east and arranged to meet us for my birthday.

On our trip across the Nullarbor we spotted eighteen Wedge Tail Eagles (3 deceased), four emus, four Bob Hawkes, a dead owl that couldn’t give a hoot, countless crows, hundreds of dead kangaroos, and one slow wombat resting upside-down on the edge of the road.

We always enjoy the Nullarbor crossing – just one of those iconic Aussie road trips. Link to short video here.

1 comment:

CJ said...

Nice clear video on the drone