Friday 6 April 2018


Our Camp among the trees
It has become a ritual of passage for us to stop for several nights at Haslam camp after all the one night stops on the Nullarbor. Its a great camp area next to the beach with shady campsites, drinking water, flushing dunnies, squid from the jetty, and at low tide miles of sandy beach for Molly to explore.

Haslam's main attraction
The local oyster farmer has stopped selling fresh oysters to the Grey Nomads camping at Haslam – apparently there has been an issue with finding enough oyster spat (baby oysters) to stock the oyster racks. Most SA oyster spat was sourced from the “spat” growers in Tassie and their stock had developed a disease stopping them being sent to SA. Luckily some local SA spat was found and the industry is in recovery. We drove to nearby Smokey Bay Oysters and brought four dozen fresh oysters for $40. After a dozen oysters as an entrée every night the vans been rocking more than usual J.

I'm a celebrity - get me out of here!
We worked hard for only four squid off the jetty but the salt and pepper squid with chips and salad after an oyster kilpatrick entrée was four star dining. Pretty tough for us old pensioners out in the bush J.

Great place we will be back on our way back to WA in October.  Link to short video here


Unknown said...

Were the oysters as good as Bluff Oysters?


shane apps said...

Amazing videos and I notice your employing a model as an extra now.
Hello from Donna as well.