Tuesday 17 May 2016

Bend in the river

Pretty rough camp spot!
Moorook is Aboriginal for “bend in the river” and is also English for “a bloody good camp right on the Murray River with green grass and a boat ramp”. We stayed 10 nights at Moorook camping with our friends Steve and Carol who are off on their winter caravanning trip to north WA.

Dust storm!
The first three days were miserable with almost gale force winds and dust storms. Twice we put up the awning only to put it away again when the wind got up again (once at 1:00AM). The remainder of the time was absolutely beautiful with clear sunny days and cool nights.

Where is my fish!
We took a couple of day trips around the Riverland area to Renmark, Loxton and Barmera –  pretty country with lots of grape vines, almond trees, citrus trees and all manner of other crops – all irrigated from the Murray River.

My first couple of Murray River Yellas
Put the tinnie in when the wind stopped and caught my first Murray River Yellow Belly on spinner baits - weird looking contraptions that look a lot like a coat-hanger with blades and hook attached - but they work.

Happy Camper Allan
Caught quiet a few over several fishing outings and introduced a fellow camper (Allan) to the dark arts of lure fishing – he might be hooked!

Champion Sequence Team
During our stay the Moorook 2016 Sequence ( a new board game) Challenge was held on the banks of the mighty Murray.  I won’t dwell on the score too long  - 5 nil in favour of the boys – sorry girls but you were whipped.


CJ said...

Haha mum couldnt cheat obviously

CJ said...
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