Friday 13 May 2016

On the Murray at Mildura

Breakfast is served
Our first camp on the Murray River was at Psyche Bends (no not Psycho!) just outside of Mildura. Nice free camp between Kings Billabong and the river Murray with a table and fireplace for each caravan site.

Sunrise over our camp
It was a quiet and relaxing place where we could sit back watch the luxury houseboats wander past and check out the birdlife that abounded along the river.

Sunset over our camp
Sadly no fishing at this camp as there was many warning signs around the camp regarding a blue-green algae outbreak.

Where is our breakfast?
Surprisingly Psyche Bends is where Psyche Pumps  were built in 1891 to pump water into Kings Billabong (28 meters above the river Murray) for irrigation purposes.

Walked 4 klm - and no birds!
Today electric pumps keep the Billabong topped up to maintain the water levels required to maintain the Billabongs and the vast array of flora and fauna that the waterways support. There are numerous walks and drives thru the billabong areas and Linda and I did a 4 klm return walk to one of several bird hides around the billabongs.

Birdless view from the hide
Unfortunately the day we were there the birds were hiding not us - but still a nice walk thru the red gum and black box forest.

The River Queen
No trip along the Murray is complete without doing at least one paddle steamer trip so Linda and I booked a three hour dinner cruise.

Night view of the Murray
Carvery, sweets, live music and a flood-lit cruise along the Murray for $60/head was pretty good value.

Whilst camping on the Murray I was struck down with a mysterious ailment called MRM. I have attached an extract from the Mildura Post which provides details regarding this serious ailment.

Mildura Post 11th May 2016 – Mr. Murray Cod reporting:
Doctors and scientists along the Murray River between Mildura and Renmark are astounded regarding an outbreak of what is being called the Murray River Malady (MRM). Symptoms include an unexplained rapid weight gain, sore knees and an unquenchable thirst. Doctors believe the malady is spread by Echidna fast anal respiratory tension squirts (FARTS) and may have affected thousands of elderly folk and in particular Grey Nomads who seem to be susceptible to MRM as they are found in large numbers in free camps along the Murray River System. Although Echidna’s are the prime suspect due to being carriers of FARTS the scientist also believe that there could be viruses previously unknown to science living in the murky Murray River depths. As these have not yet been scientifically classified they have been given the code name XXXX and have been quarantined into yellow aluminum cans. Many wives along the Murray River Basin have been inadvertently affected with side effects of MRM with a related malady known as GOMYFB (get off me you fat bastard).
The Mildura Post recently interviewed Mr. Kerry Britton a Grey Nomad who has been stricken by the malady. Mr. Britton was quoted as saying “despite being a healthy 80Kg and running 10klm every morning before breakfast I suddenly was stricken with MRM. I do recall one morning smelling FARTS and downing a few XXXX with lunch. Within a few days I was over 99Kg and suffering sore knees. I knew that I would soon be rooted although my wife complaining of GOMYFB soon put a stop to that thought. Nothing seemed to relieve the symptoms and unquenchable thirst - until scientists isolated an antibody found only in good red wine or occasional bottles of Johnny Walker Red. This antibody has been identified as Preventative Isotope Streptococci Strain (PISS). Mr. Britton stated that whilst being on the PISS he has noticed a relief in the unquenchable thirst but so far nothing seems to be curing the rapid weight gain, sore knees or his wife’s GOMYFB symptoms”
There seemed to be little hope for sufferers of MRM (except for the small relief of getting on the PISS) until a recent medical breakthrough that was announced today. It seems that Wombat Acquired Nocturnal  Kudos (WANKS) combats FARTS and reduces the occurrence of the serious side effects of GOMYFB suffered by many wives after carriers of MRM have been on the PISS.

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