Wednesday 13 May 2015

Stacks, Lions and a Pub

On the second day at Venus Bay  we lent the tinny out to so nice folk we had met at Haslam Beach – so this was a good reason to do some sightseeing in the local area and have a pub meal for lunch.

Couple of farmers at the "haystacks"
First stop was Murphey’s Haystacks which is an unusual rock formation on a farm not far from Port Kenny. 
Didn't spend too long there as the rain storms were sweeping through, however, worth the stop and walk.

For other travellers there is a free camp at Murphey’s Haystacks that looked OK for a one nighter and the opportunity for sunset photos of the “haystacks” would be worth the stay.

You can just see the sea lions on the beach below!

Next stop was Pt Labett Nature Conserve. The largest Australian mainland sea lion colony. Just over 40 kilometres of dirt road but it was worth it. 

These are NZ fur seals who snuck across the "ditch"
Luckily we have a good pair of binoculars and we spent ½ hour watching the baby sea lions and mums frolicking about below. 

On the way to Pt Labett we stopped at small Church for some divine inspiration about where the fish would be biting tomorrow – think HE is checking the tide charts and will soon get back to me in a flash of light?

Linda and Paj at "smooth Pool"
We followed the coast around from Pt Labett to Streaky Bay where we had a really good pub meal at the Streak Bay Pub.

Nice day out.

The Venus Bay blog to follow soon.

1 comment:

John B said...

Good photos Kerry, and both looking well. Trust an Irishman to think they are haystacks :)