Sunday 24 May 2015

Point Lowly

It’s been 8 days since my last blog and I had plans for blogs on the wonders of Coffin Bay and Port Lincoln National Parks but due to a number of reasons we didn’t visit these Parks. Primary reason was that Linda was suffering an increasingly debilitating and painful shoulder injury. This led us to book into Port Lincoln Caravan Park so Linda could get a quarterzone injection in her shoulder and recuperate in civilization. Unfortunately there are no medical facilities in Port Lincoln to do the injection procedure (using ultrasound to position the needle) so we had to book into Whyalla hospital 5 days after getting to Port Lincoln.

So whilst we “grounded” in Port Lincoln we took day trips to sus out Port Lincoln and Coffin Bay National Parks. Whilst both Parks are ok - neither had what we were expecting/hoping for - a nice water side  camp where we could easily launch the tinny and sit around the fire at night out of the wind.

So after a morning visit to Coffin Bay (and the mandatory purchase of more oysters) we made an on the spot decision to get out of the rain (it had rained cats and dogs the whole time we had been at Port Lincoln!) and start heading towards Whyalla. 
Port Gibbon foreshore - nice!
So we packed  in the pouring rain and after stopping for a cuppa and chat to a lovely couple we had met coming down the west coast we stopped over at 
Port Gibbon. Nice spot for a “one nighter” near the beach.
Lots of history in this area.

couldn't resist the rainbow photo coming out of Port Gibbon

After Port Gibbon we trecked further north to Point Lowly which is just out of Whyalla. 

Our front yard at Point Lowly
We had stopped at Point Lowly our last trip around Oz and our memories of a great spot with spectacular views of Spencer Gulf we confirmed the second we turned the corner into the camping area.

The mandatory Point Lowly lighthouse photo
Not too many spots match this for $5/night. After an afternoon spent at the Whyalla Hospital Linda came away with the much needed quarterzone injection and almost immediate pain relief – yahoo!

Overlooking Fitzgerald Bay
Whilst at Point Lowly we spent a very pleasant morning under that big yellow thing in the sky (I recall it’s called the “sun”) driving along the coast towards Port Augusta.  As you head towards Whyalla from Point Lowly there is a road called Flinders View Drive – if your down this way take the time to spend an hour or two out on this good quality dirt road to take in some spectacular coastline and some more remote free camps (Shingle Beach overlooking Fitzgerald Bay stands out as a beauty).

On our  morning walk - miserable view :(
Put Point Lowly on your “must do” list if you’re on Eyre Peninsula.

1 comment:

SHANE said...

Hope you feel better Linda and keep the blog updated, we are enjoying your tales.