Saturday, 9 April 2016

Wallagaraugh River Retreat

Yep - uggies and beanies - its getting cold
A visit to Mallacoota Inlet was on my bucket list - so a stopover was mandatory as we travelled south into Victoria and the beautiful East Gipsland area. As it was the middle of the Victorian School Holidays we decided to camp at Wallagaraugh River Retreat Web site here which “strange as it may seem” is on the Wallagaraugh River which is one of two tannin coloured rivers flowing into Mallacoota Inlet.

Kerry out chasing bream
What a spot! – we camped on the bank overlooking the river just 30Mtrs from the boat ramp. With mullet jumping day and night, pelicans feeding all day this looked to be the Promised Land.

Nice bream on poppers!
Mallacoota is famous for big bream and flathead and the Wallagaraugh River delivered the goods. Lots of big golden bream on “walk the dog” poppers and big black flathead on both diving hard-bodies and plastics.

Happy flathead angler
Linda (AKA the Flathead Queen) was constantly pulling in flatties every midday fishing expedition and out fished me 3 to 1.

That's three!
Must have something to do with my expert guiding and lure selectionJ.

Mallacoota Wharf - wow!
The camp has no phone signal or internet so we gave the flatties and bream a day’s rest and drove the 65kms into Mallacoota township to do some shopping, stock up on fuel ,have lunch at the pub, do some sightseeing and catch-up on emails, facebook and missed calls.

Mallacoota Inlet looking back from entry
You can see why Mallacoota is so popular – huge expanses of protected inlet, sandy beaches and fish jumping on your hook!

After a week on the river - we leave with one more item on the bucket list “ticked off” and our freezer full of flathead fillets.

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