Monday, 13 August 2012

Visit to Carisbrook Station

As we read the tourist brochures for the Winton area I read about a cattle station 85 km south of Winton that offered camping, some great sights and was half way to the famous Dinosaur Stampede site. After a bit of negotiation I convinced Linda that we should drag our caravan across 30 km of single lane bitumen and then 54 kilometres of dirt track to the station.  

The initial 10 km of dirt track was a bit daunting but the road (if you took your time) wasn’t too bad and the further we went the more confident we became.

Carisbrooke Station ( is situated on the magnificent Mitchel plains on the edge of Corey’s range and a great spot to soak up the serenity and beauty of this part of the country.  I would highly recommend a visit if you are in the area - if it hasn’t been raining - the black soil is deadly in the wet.
The 60 km to the Dinosaur Stampede site from Carisbrooke is a good drive through the bush – all dirt roads but in good condition. This National Heritage Site is exceptionally good value at $12/head and the guide made the visit better still with his stories (he swore they were all true J).

Unfortunately Linda suffered from a severe bout of gastro the whole time we were out there and we had several speedy trips from our bush camp to the nearest amenities at the station shearing shed! Used 45 litres of fuel to get there and back for Winton and 20 more litres finding toilets J. Not much fun for Linda but she stuck it out like a real trooper.

The photos below were all taken on Carisbrook Station and give you a peak of the beauty and serenity of this spot.

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