Saturday 1 October 2022

Camel Soak

 Having some time to kill before meeting up with family and friends out in the wheatbelt we decided to head further east to a campsite we had never been to before but had good reviews on Wikicamps (my bible for campsites).

Nice camp for 4 nights

Camel Soak is around 45km east from Perenjori and this time of year is a peaceful and colourful camp. The granite catchment, also known as “The Rock Hole” was sunk as a watering point for men and their camel teams working on the No 2 Rabbit Proof Fence from 1903 to 1905.

When we arrived at Camel Soak I off course asked Linda “one hump or two?” – something must have got lost in the translation as all I got was a stern look and a slap around the ears. So much for my genuine interest in the species of camel that frequented the area 😊.

Linda's outdoor dog clipping service

As luck would have it the whole area around the outcrop was carpeted in wildflowers and the outcrop had water in most of the gamma holes which was great for Molly the hound to have a paddle in the mid-day warmth.

There are lots of flat open areas to camp and quiet a few tables and fireplaces scattered across the site, a clean long drop dunny and nice walks thru the bush and up on the outcrop. 

We did search high and low for the fabled wild orchards that are supposed to be in abundance in the area but suspect they had bloomed and gone as we couldn’t locate a single specimen.

A mans not a camel!

We spent 4 nights here – warm days, cool nights with fire, and pleasant walks – it is certainly a place I would recommend in early spring.

Short video is HERE


Anonymous said...

"Man's not a camel", you look like you've got two humps there Kerry!
Actually your both looking great!
Have fun

Anonymous said...

Sense of humor getting way better.
Had a couple of giggles.
Not getting into camel debate.
Always fun
Jane and Neil

Anonymous said...

Looks like a pretty chilled out area Donna