Wednesday 28 September 2022

Mullewa Southern Loop

 On our way south we always seem to drop in for a couple of night at Tenindewa Well free camp just west of Mullewa. It is a great spot with lots of wildflowers, views, level camping spots, and this year more birds than you could poke a stick at. Flies were very friendly during the days necessitating the use of fly veils if your outside, but the upside this year was that there were very few mossies at night and no flies.

Camp at Tenindewa 

This drone shot of our camp site captures the tranquillity of the place. If you look closely at the photo you will note a smudge near the centre of the photos which is actually a bird (Swallow I think) which was dive bombing my drone.

There are two self-drive loops around Mullewa called the Northern Loop and Southern Loop (surprisingly north and south of Mullewa). Last year you may recall we did the Northern Loop so this year it was time to tick the Southern Loop off the bucket list. For those interested in doing these drives a map can be found HERE

I was a little disappointed in the Southern Loop as although there are a lot of sites with signs and information in many cases nothing remains of the actual historical site (so in my video there are quite a lot of photos of signs but not what the sign is describing. It’s a 145km drive around the loop so still worth doing. 

There are a lot of little dance/community halls spread out across the region and these were extremely popular in the days before E-Harmony and Tinder where you had to actually go out to have a chance of meeting someone and then sweep them off their feet at the local Saturday night dance!

I am just old enough to remember sliding around on the dance floor as a kid – they used to put a powder on the floor called “pops” which made it easier to slide.

The wreath flowers near Pindar were pretty spectacular this time and covered over a kilometre of barren roadside. Its always difficult to convey the scale of things in a single photo so this time round - used my drone -  came out pretty good I reckon -  see video below.

HERE is the link to a short video I made 


John B said...

Interesting area but really hot in summer as I remember. your at the best time of year for sure. Seems to be a problem with your link though.

SHANE said...

It's too late for you to pray mate!
Love Linda always smiling (probably laughing at you).

Take Care and love from Bridgetown
Donna & Shane

neil lanham said...

Always a good read but I love the choice of music best.

neil lanham said...

Hilarious, just learnt how to leave a comment and you are on your way home.
Be safe.

Anonymous said...

Yep that is where r now, been here since Friday and still need fly nets. We were here 2 years ago. Yes I have wickie and have had it for at 15 years
Kenny dog is not too well so we will stay 2night, travelling does not agree with him