Thursday 9 September 2021

Gnoorea Point (again)

 After spending a week at Point Samson we decided to spend our remaining 17 nights up north back at 40 mile beach (Gnoorea Point), as despite being further from Karratha it has easy access to good water, beach front sites (if your lucky) and good fishing at times for those big fat whiting.

Drone view over van to beach

We were once again lucky to secure a beach front site next to some nice folk we had met at Cleaverville. We were lucky that they sent us a text saying a site was becoming available on the day we were arriving, but they were leaving around 9ish – so a 7:00AM departure from Point Samson saw us pulling as the other van was hooking up to leave – great timing!

There used to be two street signs at 40 Mile - Stillrootin Avenue and Dunrootin Avenue - sadly only Dunrootin is left - must be an indication of age of the campers?

Inky Britton

We soon fell back into our Gnoorea Point routine – up early on dawn, coffee and tea in bed watching the news, walk the hound, breakfast, move the solar panels, go fishing when the tide and wind was favourable, go fill up the water bladders, lunch, shower, poppy nap, happy hour with friends, dinner, Yahtzee and TV by the fire if not windy else TV/book in bed. Most days were around 30C and nights around 18C – so great weather 75% of the time with a few very windy days to test the ropes and pegs.

The 30C days were taking their toll on the hound so Linda spent two hours with scissors one day giving the dog a trim – wasn’t going to win any grooming shows but the dog was a hell of a lot cooler.

Linda's huge shell

Highlights of our stay were the good company of people we knew from previous camps, the big chunky whiting caught on surface lures on the flats and out in front of the van, a nice squid caught on a surface lure, Linda’s huge shell she found amongst the rocks which she spent days cleaning, and just relaxing looking out over the ocean. 

Heading south from here out thru the wildflower country – going to be a shock to the system to be cold at night and see rain!

Short vide can be found HERE. Older folk may remember the sound track from Led Zeppelin.

1 comment:

SHANE said...

Very nice and it looks a lot warmer than Bridgetown