Wednesday 15 July 2020

Bruboodjoo Point

After a quick overnight camp at Robe River we headed up to Bruboodjoo Point camping area. Priority after setting up camp was to pack away the doona, winter coats, uggies, beanies, scarfs – with temperature mins around 15 C and maxs around 30 C we were certainly not going to need these reminders of winter. It also meant that the 100 kg  of Jarrah I had lugged from Collie on my roof rack hardly got used as it was usually too warm at night to enjoy a fire.

Busy place
Bruboodjoo Point (aka 9 Mile) is a large camping area about 40 km by road (about 20 km as the drone flies) north of Coral Bay with a lovely sheltered bay for beach boat launching and Ningaloo Reef edge about 3-4 kilometers out providing a coral playground. It has no toilets, water or bins (does have a dump point) so you need to be fully self-sufficient to be allowed to camp. The camping area was packed when we were there with around 200 vans in the area.

Readers of my blog will recall that Oyster Bridge Conservation area is one of our favorite snorkeling spots and we couldn’t resist a visit as it was only 10 km away via rough road and 4WD track. It didn’t disappoint and some underwater GoPro video is included in my video at the link at the bottom of this blog.

SS Minnow ready for action
Unfortunately fishing from the shore wasn’t particularly successful during the time we stayed despite getting up before sunrise and heading out to the “secret” hot-spot at Three Ways.  I did however get invited by Marty next door to go out squidding in the SS Minnow (small inflatable tender with fast leak) and he hooked a large squid which whilst I was trying to get into the Minnow  “inked me”  covering my face, hat and sunnies (I think I can still hear Marty laughing).

Couple of nice Spangled Emperor
By chance I also bumped into Graham (whom I used to work with) who was up north for three weeks fishing with his son. He was kind enough to take me out to just inside the reefs edge in his tinny were we caught a couple of nice Spanglies before the sharks arrived – bugger!

A "healthy" pie
The lure of the “bakery” soon compelled us to head into Coral Bay for a snorkel, lunch at the bakery, water top-up and fuel. Nice relaxing day.

The best music !
One highlight of our stay was an evening of entertainment provided by Tammy (and support team husband -  Murray) who sang for several hours under a full moon. What a great night – Linda and I even did a bit of a shuffle in our dancing thongs to the music.

I will certainly be back to Bruboodjoo Point – just got to find a son/grand-son/son-in-law to tow my boat up so I can chase more squid and spanglies.

Short video HERE


shane apps said...

Lovely spot but I have visions of you and Linda doing the SHUFFLE in thongs!

Also I didn't know they had whales up there (talking about you not the beautiful Linda).

Love Donna & Shane

Anonymous said...

Kerry the van would have felt right a home went there often.��