Thursday 2 June 2016

Mission Accomplished

Nice spot - that's our van in the background
We were on a mission! Spend a week at Venus Bay to fill up the freezer with King George Whiting fillets, drop into Haslam Beach free camp for a couple of nights to top up on squid and the fill whatever room was left in the freezer with fresh oysters from the oyster farms along the Eyre Peninsula west coast.

You launch off the sand at Venus Bay
First three days at Venus Bay saw one KG come into the tinny despite many hours in bitterly cold weather soaking bait. Things got worse when pulling up the anchor the anchor rope broke (rotten after many years use) and I lost my anchor. So after a 145klm round trip to Streaky Bay for a new anchor and rope it was round two of KB vs KG.

She's a "keeper" my Linda
The god’s must have been smiling upon me as for each remaining fishing trip it was a bag limit of KG whiting every time! So off we traveled to Haslam to add nine squid to the fridge and six dozen oysters.

Mission accomplished!
Popular with the pelicans

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