Monday 25 April 2016

Colac stop over

Think Linda was shaking a little in Burnley Tunnel
After escaping from Melbourne we headed south on the Princes Highway towards Portland.  We decided to stay two nights at Lake Colac  so we could take a day out to tour the area and take in some of the local attractions and scenery.

Nice boat ramp but no lake
The free camp at Lake Colac is right on the shore of the lake with water views, skiing and fishing – IF the lake had any water in it – unfortunately it was dry for the second time in 175 years!

No water - but nice
Still a nice spot with grass, flushing dunnies, town water available and a view over the dry lake bed towards the large country town of Colac.

On top of old smoky
Lake Colac and lots of other nearby lakes were created by volcanic activity and you can still see the remnants of inactive volcano’s and the lush red-soil farmland and dairy farms.

Triplet Falls
We drove up into the temperate rainforests of the Otway Ranges. With massive tree ferns, waterfalls and Australian beech forests – this is a beautiful spot. We did a short walk to Triplet Falls through the rainforest (surprisingly it was raining in the rainforest) and headed out to the Otway Flyway were the world’s longest treetop walk has been built.

Gloomy and green
Plan was to have some lunch and for me to do the walk while Linda relaxed in the cafĂ©.  After finding out it was 600M walk to the start of the 600M treetop walk and my knee already giving me some grief from the waterfall walk I decided to put the walk off till “next time”.  Lucky I am not a horse – would have been put down by now!

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Woulda been nice with the no water dad. u must be having fishing withdrawals