Tuesday 27 October 2015

Wuruma Dam

At the dam wall
Wuruma Dam is halfway between Monto and Eidsvold on the southern end of the central highlands in QLD -  Map is here . Whilst at Boyndale Bush Camp we agreed with the mob we were travelling with since Baralabar that we would meet up at Wuruma for a week before we all headed our separate meandering ways.

On arrival we soon realized that “the secret was out” - the place was packed with grey nomads on every available space along the water front.  After towing the van around in circles and walking thru several camp sites we finally located the “Baralabar Bunch”.
View from under our caravan awning
There was no waterfront sites left but we found a spot at the back of the camp area close to our travelling friends and with views over the dam.

Excavations required to get level
There is not a single level caravan site in the whole Wuruma camping area and the spot we chose was no exception – so out with the shovel’s and lots of help from our fellow campers we soon had a hole of almost half the wheel height dug on the uphill side for our tandem wheels.  All vans in the area were similary dug in on the uphill side.

Spangled Perch
Wuruma Dam is stocked with Barramundi, Australian Bass, Golden Perch, Silver Perch and has a resident population of Saratoga and Eel Tailed Catfish.  It is also full of red claw (apparently!) and most folk with tinnies were catching 40-50 a night. Despite some determined efforts with Linda and my mate Budgie we didn’t catch any fish in the Dam except small Spangled Perch which were everywhere and always willing to hit a small diving lure or popper.

Wish I had caught these!
Also our red claw pots remained mostly empty with our best haul a measly 15 red claw – much to the amusement of our neighbours.

First Bass for 2015
During one dawn fish trip we talked to one of the locals out on the dam and he told us that the fishing was good below the dam wall in the river. Sure enough the first afternoon session resulted in two good size Bass on small walk the dog poppers and another two bass on the last trip.

Two nice 35cm bass
As the bass were very structure based my casting efforts ranged from very good to mediocre and most days a small refreshing swim was required to retrieve that occasional mis-directed lure.  Great fishing on light gear and those surface strikes got the pulse up.

Yep - been swimming again
Whist we were camped at Wuruma we witnessed some of the biggest and longest lasting thunder storms I have ever seen. Every evening from around 5:30 to 8:30 Thor got going with lightning and thunder.
We spent a memorable 2 hours one night under a mate’s caravan awning sipping cool refreshments and watching the non-stop light and sound show.

Linda is like a frightened puppy when it comes to thunder and lightning – absolutely terrified. Out came the ear plugs every evening.
Sadly we had to cut our visit short as at some time we had hit something with the prop on my tinny motor and broken the bush on the prop – this resulted in a max speed of around 4-5 knots (normally 14-17 knots). Off to the service man in Brisbane before we head to the next Dam!
It was a little sad to leave the Baralabar Bunch as we had become good friends over the few weeks we had travelled together. We had 5 days with great friends at a great place when at Wuruma – way to go!

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