Monday 27 July 2015

Gregory Downs - free camping

After leaving Cloncurry we traveled almost 300 km to Gregory Downs  to camp on the Gregory River -  a free camp walking distance fom the pub and town.

Nice spot on the river
Wow what a spot. The Gregory River is spring fed so it flows strongly with crystal clear water this time of year.  The camp-sites are either riverside or under the paper-bark trees next to the bank.

The reason we originally came to Gregory Downs was to spend time at Lawn Hill National Park (which we did) but it turned out that the free camp on the river was so good that we ended up staying for 10 nights.  So I have been thinking about what makes a great free camp.  So ………….. in rough priority order:

1. Access to clean water for the caravan shower water tanks. We have two sets of tanks and two pumps/taps in our van – 180 ltrs for showers and washing up, and 55 liters for drinking only. So if we are to have that quick hot shower at the end of the day we need to be able to top up our shower water tanks every 3-4 days.

2. Level sites and reasonable roads/tracks into the camp area. Level sites are not just a nice to have – if you are running a 3 Way Fridge (gas/12VDC/240VAC) these will stop working if they are not level and take days to recover (if at all).

3. Quiet and friendly neighbors. If you’re over 60 the last thing you want is to be camped next to a group of fools who think playing heavy rock over five speakers and two sub-woofers till midnight is cool!
The chain saw maniac has been cutting wood again!

4. Places nearby where you can cut fire wood. Having a fire to cook on and keep you warm is all part of the free camping experience. Understandably most wood within walking distance to a good free camp is depleted – so you need places where you can cut wood within 5kms of where you camp.

5. Access to a chemical toilet dump point nearby (within 20 kms). Us “grey nomads” are pretty environmentally responsible  - we never dump our dunnies in the bush (last resort is to dig a deep hole away from any waterway).

Mr Whistling Kite (one of many species of birds)

6. Lots of birds, native animals, fish, etc. There is nothing better to wake up to the chorus of birds and spend the day chilling out watching the constant changing wildlife at a bush camp. All the better if you can catch some fresh fish or crustacean.

Not a Croc to be seen! - just clean running water

Seven  road-trains every 4 hours (bugger!)
7. Great views and safe swimming areas. Nothing better to look out your caravan window to see the islands/beach/gum trees/billabong/creek/river/lake where you are parked. Also safe clean swimming areas are a bonus if you are up north and like to cool down (without the crocs!).

8. Away from the road noise. A great spot next to the International Airport isn't going to work. Best camps are kilometres from the main road.

9. You can get SAT TV signal. Yep – it’s great to be out enjoying the sights of nature – but it’s also great to catch the News, Footy and IFish occasionally.

10. Internet and phone. If your sitting in a remote camp watching the lightning in the distance and wondering if you should roll up your awning – nothing better than to check out the rain radar and weather warnings on the Net. Also if “Granny” is missing the kids and grandkids – Skype and Facebook keep the fairer half happier.

So there you go – my top ten – am sure most of you grey nomads would have a different list but all will have some of these on the list.

Gregory River Free Camp at Gregory Downs gets an 8/10 as you are camped not far from the bridge over the river and there is no internet and phone. But it rates A+ on all the other criteria – that’s why we stayed 10 nights. 


shane apps said...

Looks lovely, any fish?

John B said...

Nice spot, I can why you stayed. Good to see your both alive after dropping off the radar.
You don't want much for free :). If you find a 10/10 it will be too crowded I suppose.