Sunday 7 June 2015

Finke Desert Race

By pure coincidence when we were staying in Alice Springs we were lucky to be in town for the 40th Finke Desert Race. This is a world famous race over 220 kilometres of desert from Alice to Finke and return the next day, We got up at 5:15 AM (that's in the  morning Esther :)) to get out to the Start/Finish line for the 7:15 AM start. It was very cold (around 1C) but worth the effort to watch these guy's burn down the track from the Start line heading out into the desert. The fastest car/buggie did the 220 km in 1hr 47 Min - if you do the maths that's an average of around 130 km/hr. We were told that they exceed 200 km/hr in places - now that would be white knuckles stuff!

As I took some video as well as photos I made a short YouTube  movie. Click on the link below to watch.

1 comment:

John B said...

Lucky buggers. I know a couple from Tassie who make an annual planned trip to the Finke for the rally as the one and only trip of the year, and you buggers just fall on it. Nice one.