Sunday 19 August 2012

Visit to Devils Marbles

Campground at sunrise
As we headed south from Tennant Creek towards Alice Springs we stopped one night at the Devils Marbles Campground (114 km from Tennant Creek). This campground costs $3.30/per person/night and has basic facilities – long drop toilets and good fireplaces. By 3:00PM the campground was full (and by 08:00AM next morning was empty againJ).

A couple of Dingos?
There are lots of signs warning that Dingos are frequent visitors to the campground and to very careful to lock your dog in at night as they are quiet territorial. One morning Killer our pig dog (aka Tammy Poo) snuck out of our van and Linda found her being held by a fellow traveller just metres away from a scavenging dingo – lucky our dog didn’t become dingo dinner! Talking about dingos – next to us at the campground was a young couple travelling in station wagon and sleeping in a very small tent (apparently young people find ways of keeping warm in a tent on a 2C nightJ). About 3:00AM in the morning a mob/pack/herd of dingoes surrounded the campground and howls and yaps went on loudly for at least ½ hour. Linda and I giggled to ourselves as we snuggled up in the safety of our caravan bed listening to the young couple net door throw everything out of their station wagon so they could abandon their tent as quickly as possible. They packed up and were gone by 7:00AM next morning muttering something about” buying a gun” and “Lindy Chamberlain”!

Balancing act!
The Devils Marbles is a large and heavily weathered granite outcrop where there are lots of granite boulders and balancing rocks.  The park is well set out for the tourist with informative signs throughout the park. The hardest thing to find in the park around sunrise or sunset is a rock that hasn’t got someone standing on it taking a photo! 

Old Rocker?
 Great place and well worth a stopover (watch out for those dingos).

Sunrise at the Marbles

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