Wednesday 13 June 2018

Pindari Dam

Camp site at Pindari

As were driving away from Pindari Dam after a 12 night stay, Linda and I agreed that this camp is one of our all time favourite spots in Australia!

When we arrived there was  a deep sense of “Déjà vu” as we drove into camp and parked our van at the same spot (even using the same hole to level our van)  that we had parked at almost two and a half years ago we visited this area.

Sunday breakfast
Why do we rate this camp so highly?
  • Million dollar views from our van over the dam
  • A picnic table provided for each site
  • Clean toilets 25 meters from our van
  • Hot Showers a 1km drive away
  • Over 100km2 of dam and river to explore and fish for Murray Cod and Yellow Belly.
  • Boat ramp 500 meters away from camp
  • More firewood than you can poke a chainsaw at.
  • Rubbish bins everywhere
  • Wild life galore

*** All of this is provided free ***

Master Angler!
Noting all the pluses above its worth mentioning that the camp is not for everybody.
  • There are only 4-5 sites suitable for a caravan (all will test your reversing skills)
  • There is no drinking water available
  • There are no good walking tracks (too hilly and rocky)
  • Nearest shopping and fuel 55Km away at Inverell
  • No phone or Internet at the camp (some signal at the shower block 1 km away)
  • You need a boat to fully enjoy the spot
  • It’s mainly a fishing camp so if fishing isn’t your thing its probably not worth staying long.

We caught up with some guys from the Byron Bay Freshwater Fishing Club who we met at the same spot last time we were here – great bunch of keen fisho’s and beer drinkers.

Pindari Dam – BCF-ing good!

That's my seat!
Short video starring "Molly the Mutt" is HERE