Saturday 23 January 2016

Our Brisbane Break

Home in Brissy! For sale in March!
We spent 2 great months over the Xmas period camped at “Site 243” - a five star resort on the north side of Brisbane (also known as my sister Desley’s and husband Paul’s house in Joyner).  Great water, hot showers, manicured gardens, free WIFI, power, men’s shed, swimming pool, BBQ on deck and Netflix – wow talk about the perfect free camp – thanks so much Des and Paul. Reason we stay in Brissy is that most of my family live in the area and as I live in Perth the opportunities to see everyone are limited.

We stacked a lot into two months!!
Tom and Toga
I ventured out to Coochin Creek  (world famous whiting spot)for a morning’s fishing but caught little. There is a nice free camp there which would be great for a stay if you were into fishing or was looking for a spot close to Brisbane. I did manage to sneak away back to Imbil for 2 nights with my brother-in-law Tom to chase some mighty Toga.

Xmas breakfast - with family
We house-sat my nephews house for a week – situated in the Gold Coast Hinterland with views over the entire Gold Coast (pretty hard to take!!)

White pants and white fisted on tree top walk!
While staying there Linda and I did a day trip up to O'Reillys Resort - a drive not for the faint hearted - narrow, winding and steep (I loved it !)

Nothing better than Xmas morning for Dallas!
It was great to spend Xmas with our extended family and old friends.

The girls!- Amber and Tay at Sea World
We flew two of our grand-daughters to Brisbane for 2 weeks so Linda could have some “granny” time!

Get my rod!
Sea World, Wet and Wild, and Movie World – we were “theme parked” out by the time the girls left.

While the girls were here we stayed at my other Sister Donna’s house near the Gold Coast. Linda, Donna and the Girls spent a day shopping to you drop at harbour town (lucky Linda had been saving for months – I didn’t ask how much was spent!).
While the Girls were over Des and Paul went to NZ for a holiday so we house sat “Site 243” for a week – the girls loved the place –Netflicks, Pool, and free WIFI  – a teenagers dream!
The "gang" ready for NYE night out! I have a fat shirt!

We are on the road again on the 31st Jan – heading slowly south thru NSW then down to Portland in Victoria before spending a month or two on the mighty Murray.  So more travel blogs soon!